
Convocatoria ventanilla abierta N°69 de Revista de Investigaciones Geográficas: Una mirada desde el sur.

Idiomas aceptados: español, inglés y portugués. Plazo de envío: 30 de abril de 2025.

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Significación geográfica de algunas actividades del Servicio Meteorológico de Alemania Federal (estudio metodológico)


  • Orlando Peña Alvarez Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Chile


In this work are analysed three bearings of the permanent work of the Federal
Germany Meteorological Service, whose results can be very well availed by the
geographers for their s tudies on Applied Climatology. The Technoclimatology
supplies work implements to the Urban and Traffic Climatology, between another
specialties, centering her attention on the temperature and humidity distributive
patterns inside of the cities and on the surface winds circulation in urban areas
and roads. The Meteorology supports very much her action on the phenological
observations which, in Federal Germany, are carried regularty through in
approximately 3.000 places, distributed in more or less uniform way through the
whole country. Those data and other properly climato - meteorological measures
are the base of researches on cultivation submissions and agricultural productivity in general. The Regional and Urban Planning, as far as she is concerned, utilizes information on air hygiene and climatic conditions which are obtained, from conventional instruments and through the remote sensing, specialty, the infrated termography.
Thus, it is suggested the needs of an enlargement of the developed records
and works by our Meteorological Services and their systematic employment by
the geographers, thinking pincipally on the participation of these professionals
in the development's programs.