
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

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Morphometric of a ungauged basins: the case of the Sauce Corto stream (Buenos Aires, Argentina)



The analysis of morphometric parameters is relevant to understand the physical characteristics of a drainage basin and their impact in hydrographic dynamics, mainly in countries in the global south where flow measurements are not systematic and there are no long-term historical data series. This tool is particularly relevant for ungauged basins, such as the Sauce Corto stream basin (SC) (Buenos Aires, Argentina), analyzed in this study. The occurrence of extreme  precipitation events in the upper part of this basin causes effects in the main towns of the Coronel Suárez district and its rural áreas. The aim of this work was to characterize morphometrically the sub-basins of the upper basin of the Sauce Corto stream in order to assess their potential to generate floods. The basins were characterized qualitatively-quantitatively and indexes related to the shape, relief and drainage network were used.
Its calculation made it possible to determine those sub-basins with the greatest hazard of flooding, with the basins on the western margin  (Nacimiento Oeste, Nacimiento Este y Cerro 832) being those with the greatest potential, linked to parameters associated with the relief, the drainage network and the shape of this basin. Its study constitutes a tool for the development and implementation of local flood risk management.


fluvial morphometry, hazard, Sauce Corto’s upper basin

Author Biography

Jorge Osvaldo Gentili, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)



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