Language planning of Mapudungun in Chile through history


  • Cristián Lagos Universidad de Chile
  • Marco Espinoza Universidad de Chile
  • Marco Espinoza Universidad de Chile


The paper examines, from a historical, anthropological and linguistic perspective, various attempts to regulate the relationship between the Mapuche language and Spanish in Chile, from the activity of the first missionaries to the current efforts of the State and Mapuche intellectuals to revitalize Mapudungun in urban and rural environments. We review the contact between Mapudungun and Spanish through history as a key to understanding the processes of language planning (formal and informal, explicit and implicit) that have been developed since the first contacts between Spanish and Mapuche until today. We also analyze two initiatives that have attempted to modify the situation of the Mapuche language: the creation of a unified alphabet of Mapudungun and the constitution of the Mapuche Language Academy.


anthropological linguistics, Mapudungun, language planning