The diferent formats of virtual exchanges (telecollaboration) could be used to train language teachers as a practice to initiate them in the world of teaching and in order to develop their professional skills. This article focuses on
the theoretical and methodological foundations for its use in the e-tandem mode, highlighting in them the main role of ICT. A case study is analyzed here as an example where future Finnish SFL teachers carried out an e-tandem with Chinese beginner-level students. The former need to acquire certain pedagogical skills while perfecting their command of the language. The latter, beginner students of level A1A2 (CEFR), are starting to learn Spanish and need constant and real practice that reinforces their oral skills. Results show the opinion of the future Finnish teachers and the level of professional development they achieved.
Rodríguez Flores, S. (2021). Virtual exchanges: a case study in the training of finnish ELE teachers. Lenguas Modernas, (58), pp. 109 –135. Retrieved from