The ambiguity of traditional sexual roles would have broken into the art of the early twentieth century, reaching our days through changed and confusing roles that are played on numerous occasions by creative men capable of interpreting their feminine counterpart through the symbols of the unconscious. This new approach to the male sexual role would constitute an important component of its mental constitution, while at the social level it would constitute a transforming force where the feminine begins to have a renewed power, putting a entrenched patriarchy in crisis.
In this article we will see how in the art of male artists the union of opposites would be condensed into unity, presenting itself as a bisexual and totalizing being that reveals a new man, capable of manifesting his feminine side as a critical alternative that breaks with conventions. social, linking with our evolutionary past but also with our future.
León-Río, B. . (2024). Anima: the feminine power of in the art of the masculine. Nomadías, (32), 291–316. Retrieved from