This article will tackle the incorporation of sexual non-conformity as an identity category and political target in the Chilean state discourse based on the relationship between art, body and politics. It will address the mural "El muro de los deseos" by Ojo Porno erotic group, that was part of the Mapalgbti.stgo gender non-conformity memorial, which was installed and censored after a controversy promoted by conservative organizations in 2022. My goal is to assess the extent to which the body and counter-hegemonic sexual practices exceed the frameworks of tolerance of state discourses of integration of sexual diversity/dissidence, related to the cultural heritage. The analysis will board two questions: (1) the sexual non-conformity monument question, in a context marked by the rise of the far right; and (2) the subsequent hostilities regarding from the incorporation of so-called dissidence(s) into a hegemonic discourse.
sexual dissidence, politics, art, cultural heritage
Mandiola, T. . (2024). The (in)visible body of sexual dissidence(s): cultural heritage dispute during the frenteamplista government. Nomadías, (32), 75–105. Retrieved from