During the Chilean social outburst, La Lira Colectiva was born, a periodical publication that circulated in flyleaf format, whose purpose was to record what was taking place in the country. Its name is due to the fact that its authors aimed to revitalize the Lira Popular, that is to say, the Chilean broadsheets that were printed between 1870 and 1940, approximately. Thus, La Lira Colectiva constitutes memory in two senses: on the one hand, it is part of the tradition of cordel literature, a phenomenon with late medieval roots; on the other hand, it aims to bear witness to political and social events from the point of view of popular subjects. Both aspects, of course, interconnected, since, in Chile, cordel literature was a means of popular expression with a strong political content.
memory, cordel literature, testimony, Chilean social outburst
Vigneaux, M. (2024). The Collective Lira: memory and survival of the sheets of twine. Nomadías, (32). Retrieved from https://actascoloquiogiannini.uchile.cl/index.php/NO/article/view/73736