The report by José Antonio Rodríguez Aldea regarding the fusion of the Seminario Conciliar del Santo Ángel de la Guarda de Santiago de Chile and the Instituto Nacional (1819)
This work attempts to analyze in detail the 1819 book “La reunión del Colegio Seminario al Instituto Nacional justificada en el hecho y en el derecho” by José Antonio Rodríguez Aldea. The author of this paper explains the background that caused the publication of said booklet, with special emphasis on the conflict that erupted when an attempt was made to reestablish the old Instituto Nacional to the Seminario Conciliar in 1819. A detailed analysis is made of the argumentation and bibliography used by José Antonio Rodríguez, which shows the extent of his legal knowledge of the Spanish-colonial tradition. This tradition was, in turn, permeated by the illustrated catholic current of thought that flourished in Spain, in a regalist and historicist mindset, aiming towards conciliarism and a reduction of the faculties of the Roman Curia. The solid formation the author received in the Real Colegio Mayor de San Carlos and the Real y Pontificia Universidad de San Marcos is also mentioned, with special emphasis in the cultural development of the city of Lima, one of whose most conspicuous exponents was Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza. All of this influenced the writing of the aforementioned booklet.
José Antonio Rodríguez Aldea, Bernardo O´Higgins, Instituto Nacional, Seminario Conciliar, Regalism, Real y Pontificia Universidad de San Marcos de Lima, Real Convictorio de San Carlos de Lima, Catholic illustration
Dougnac Rodríguez, A. (2022). The report by José Antonio Rodríguez Aldea regarding the fusion of the Seminario Conciliar del Santo Ángel de la Guarda de Santiago de Chile and the Instituto Nacional (1819). Revista Chilena De Historia Del Derecho, 2(26), Pág. 569–644. Retrieved from