Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento |Vol. 10 Nº 18| JUN 2025 | Dossier: The multiscalar. Deadline for full manuscript submission: December 31, 2024.
This reflection addresses the potency of non-human and its political agency in everyday experience as a resident of Santiago who daily navigates the city’s metro stations and experiences water leaks in its tunnels. It is within this landscape that variations occur, alongside an aesthetic and poetic experimentation that relegates the thing to the modern category of residue when it is no longer useful to society. In such a manner, traces of that ontological dignity are explored in the company of authors resonating with feminist approaches who criticize the nature/culture binarism, derived from Cartesian dualism, seeking to integrate body and matter within an ethics of bond and care among diverse beings. Following that, possible choices arise to think of new ways of dialoguing with the dilemmas of the Anthropocene, as a world in a state of destruction. Within this framework, centered on material sensitivity, it s concluded that a practice of vital agency of thing cannot be conceived from a posthumanist stance as articulated in this text. This is due to the ongoing dominance of an anthropocentric narrative that subtracts dignity not only to certain humans but also to those differing from their own + specie. Thus, from this area X and the experience of dripping, a speculative fable of progress is erected.