Author Guidelines
It should be noted that the Journal of Environmental Law does not charge for the processing, editing and delivery of articles.
- Formal aspects of the presentations
The texts must be sent in compliance with the following requirements: font Times New Roman, size 12, single line spacing, leaving a space between paragraphs and titles, in Spanish or English. The page should be letter size (21.59 cm by 27.94 cm), in justified alignment, respecting an upper, lower, right and left margin of 2 centimeters, having an extension between 6,000 and 15,000 words, including bibliography and footnotes.
The texts must be presented in format: .doc, .docx, .pdf, or another common compatibility.
In a separate file, drafted under the same characteristics already described, the following data should be mentioned:
- Title of the article.
- Complete name of the author (maximum 3)
- Most recent academic degree, mentioning the university in which it was obtained. If it doesn´t have an academic degree, it should be indicate the career that is taking, and the name of the educational institution in which is doing it.
- Institutional affiliation
- Contact information: telephone, email and address
- Acknowledgments, in case the author wishes to make them.
These information should be sent in a different file to the article proposal in order to protect the anonymity in the review by peer reviewers. It is recommended to review the edition of the section 'properties' of the document, in order not to include any traces of its authorship. The use of quotation marks is intended for literal quotes or colloquial expressions, for its part, italics sources are reserved for words in a foreign language. Titles and subtitles should be made only in Indo-Arabic numerals, suggesting not to exceed the two levels (1.1, 2.1, 2.1). From this numbering, the Introduction and the Conclusions will be excluded.
The text of each article must feature at the end, under the rubric "bibliography", an alphabetical list of books, monographs, articles, edited collections of sources, etc. used in its composition, totally coincident with the elements mentioned in the notes at the bottom of the page. Each record will be prepared according to the same criteria as the citations in the notes, without indicating, of course, the cited pages.
Any reference to the academic degrees held by the author or authors, together with the university that granted them, their positions, work commitments, sponsoring entities or sponsored scientific projects where the work is framed may be included in the first footnote.
- Bibliographic references
Bibliographic references will be presented in Chicago-Deusto style. The Editorial Team reserves the right to return the text to the author for corrections.
The citations and references to other texts shall be made using the author-date system, i.e., they shall be included immediately after the citated material in the body of the article. Citations and references will be complemented at the end of the article, with bibliographical entries that will be organized in alphabetical order.
In the cases in which the author-date system is additionally complemented with footnotes or notes at the end of each chapter, the mention of the source in such notes shall be made in the same way as when done in the body of the text.
a. Books:
- One author: Last Name(s) of the author, Name (Year of publication). Title of the book. Geographical place of the publication: Name of the publishing company.
Bermúdez Soto, Jorge (2013). Fundamentos de Derecho Ambiental, 2° Edición. Valparaíso: Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso.
(Bermúdez, 2013, 63)
- Two authors: Last Name(s) of the first author, Name. Name and Last Name(s) of the second author (Year of publication). Title of the book. Geographical place of the publication: Name of the publishing company.
Cortés Ruz, Catalina y Natalia Sandoval Unda (2016). Responsabilidad por Daño Ambiental. Santiago: MassLibros.
(Cortés y Sandoval, 2016, 113)
- Three authors: Last Name(s) of the first author, Name. Name and Last Name(s) of the second author and Name and Last Name(s) of the third author (Year of publication). Title of the book. Geographical place of the publication: Name of the publishing company.
Pinilla Rodríguez, Francisco, Jorge Bermúdez Soto y Juan Carlos Ferrada (2015). La nueva justicia ambiental. Santiago: Thomson Reuters.
(Pinilla Rodríguez, Bermúdez Soto y Ferrada, 2015,150)
- Four or more authors: Last Name(s) of the first author, Name. Name and Last Name(s) of the second author, Name and Last Name(s) of the third author and Name and Last Name(s) of the fourth author (Year of publication). Title of the book. Geographical place of the publication: Name of the publishing company.
*In the text only the Last Name of the author that first appears is included, and then the expression et al is included.
Silva, Claudia, Fiorella Repetto, Alejandro Vila, Antonia Pérez, Stefan Gelcich, Josh Donlan, Ray Victurine y Bárbara Saavedra (2013). Línea Levantamiento y sistematización de información para bancos de compensación. Santiago: Wildlife Conser-vation Society Chile
(Ojeda et al. 2009, 128-129)
- Chapter or other section of a book: Last Name(s) of the author, Name (Year of publication). «Title of the chapter or section». In Title of the book, Coordinator or Editor, page number. Geographical place of the publication: Name of the publishing company.
Valdivia, José Miguel (2017) «Reflexiones sobre las acciones en Derecho Administrativo». In Lo público y lo privado en el Derecho. Estudios en homenaje al Profesor Enrique Barros Bourie, coord. Juan Marín and Adrián Schopf, 398. Santiago: Editorial Legal Publishing Chile.
(Valdivia, 2017)
Villarroel, Solange (2013) «Gestión estratégica de stakeholders en un proyecto de energías renovables no convencionales. Lecciones del caso del proyecto eólico Chiloé». In Energía, cambio climático y sustentabilidad, coord. Pilar Moraga Sariego, 130. Santiago: Editorial Legal Publishing Chile.
(Villarroel, 2013)
- Online books: Last Name(s) of the author, Name(s) (Year of publication). Title of the book. Geographical place of the publication: Name of the publishing company. Date of access to the book. URL.
* If the exact number pages of pages in unknown, it is possible to include in the reference instead the title of the section or chapter, or other identifying data.
Rivera Bravo, Daniela (2013). Usos y derechos consuetudinario de aguas: su reconocimiento, subsistencia y ajuste. Santiago: Legalpublishing. Access on 25 November 2020.
(Rivera Bravo, 2013)
Kurland, Philip B., y Ralph Lerner, eds. (1987). The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Access on 28 February 2010.
(Kurland y Lerner, cap. 10, doc. 19)
b. Articles in Journals:
- Article in printed journal: Last Name(s) of the author, Name (Year of publication). «Title of the article». Title and volume of the journal, number of the journal if applicable: page numbers.
*In the body of the article, if appropriate, the specific number of the page shall be referenced. In the corresponding of the list of reference, the first and last pages of de article shall be included.
Cordero Quinzacara, Eduardo (2012). «El derecho administrativo sancionador y su relación con el Derecho penal». Revista de Derecho, Valdivia 25, N° 2: 157-165.
(Cordero Quinzacara 2012, 160)
Delgado Schneider, Verónica (2015). «La orden de “trasladar” o “retirar” una industria por razones ambientales en la Ley y jurisprudencia chilenas», Revista De Derecho, Universidad Católica del Norte 22, N° 1: 481-506.
(Delgado Schneider, 2015, 489)
- Articles in online journals: . Last Name(s) of the author/ Name (Year of publication). «Title of the article». Title and volume of the journal, number of the journal if applicable: page numbers. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or Date of access. URL.
*Ideally include the DOI if the Journal uses any. If not included the URL and date of access.
Costa Cordella, Ezio (2017). «La Justicia Ambiental en la Evaluación de Desempeño Ambiental: Chile 2016 de la OCDE», Revista de Derecho Ambiental 7: 94-113. Access on 10 February 2019.
(Costa Cordella, 2017, 102)
Delgado Schneider, Verónica, José Luis Arumí Ribera y Oscar Reicher Salazar (2017). «Problemas que plantea la regulación de las áreas de protección de los derechos de aprovechamiento de las aguas subterráneas en Chile, cuando sirven a captaciones de agua potable», Revista de derecho (Coquimbo) 24(2): 143-180. Access on 17 June 2019.
(Delgado Schneider, Arumí Ribera y Reicher Salazar, 2017, 150)
c. Legal document and case law:
Generally, the article that are included in this law review reference judicial decisions or legal documents in its own body, therefore, is advisable to mention them in the text and exceptionally include further content in footnotes.
d. Websites:
The content extracted from a website is usually referenced by including it in the body of the article. However, if a more formal citation is needed, such entry can be described as follows:
Last Name(s) of the owner of the website (Year of publication). «Title of the text, article or interview». Date of access. URL.
CODELCO, Corporación Nacional del Cobre (2018). «Codelco Ventanas y AES Gener entregan la supervisión de sus estaciones de monitoreo al Estado». Access on 20 September 2019.
(CODELCO, 2019)
d. Any other sources used, please see:
Style recommendations for publications:
- Types of works that can be published
With regard to Articles dealing with scientific research in progress or completed, original and relative to matters of Environmental Law, the author will title his work in the shortest possible way, in spanish and english. A brief summary or abstract of no more than 200 words and 4 keywords or descriptors, both in English and Spanish, should be included at the beginning of the text. By articles "product of some research" are understood those who develop the arguments of the author more or less complete, with an intelligible wording and using current and relevant literature. When the articles are the result of Research Projects funded by public or private funds, or correspond totally or partially to a Master's or Doctorate's work, it is recommended to make the respective indication in the first footnote.
Will also undergo to publication those original works consisting of general exhibitions or conferences, speeches or reports of authorities, comments on jurisprudence of Supreme Courts, documents regarding draft legislation that have ended with the second constitutional process, documents debating on texts already published, and, in general, original texts that are considered of relevance or importance for the study of Environmental Law or judicial practice, but which can not properly be considered as "original articles resulting from an investigation".
The reviews submitted to the Director must be original and can only refer to texts whose publication date does not exceed five years of that of their sending.
The Editor responsible shall ensure that the texts published in the Journal of Environmental Law conform to these norms and will make in them the necessary formal alterations, for which it is expressly authorized by the authors, by the single fact of sending their texts to the Journal.
- Review process by evaluators
The text evaluation process is administered and supervised by the Director of the Journal of Environmental Law and assisted by the Editorial Committee. The evaluation of each article will be done by two Peer Evaluators, these are experts outside the publishing entity, in an anonymous process, the evaluator can not know the identity of the person who has written the text (double-blind). Each Evaluation Partner shall express an opinion on the revised articles, indicating their acceptance to be published, their acceptance conditioned to the adequacy of certain aspects; or rejection.
The arbitration guideline will consider the following aspects:
- Originality of the paper
- Relevance and topicality of the subject in Envirolmental Law
- Qualiti in the use of legal languege, as well as the presentation of ideas and the construction of arguments
- Orderly and coherent approach to a legal problem
- Development of the legal arguments
- Relevant conclusions
- Relevant bibliography
In the case that the two opinions are equal, the editor will ratify the decision of the Peer Reviewers. In case of differences, the Director of the Journal will have to decide, in the sense of one of the opinions of the peer evaluators, justifying its decision properly. To ensure the impartiality of the Review, the Director of the Journal will not be aware of the authorship of the article or document, until the publication of the text is approved.
In the case of acceptance of the article with conditions, the author may adapt it according to the opinion and observations of the Peer Reviewers.
Once the text has been published, will be duly recorded, the date of receipt and the date on which it was accepted for publication.
Regarding the evaluation of the Documents and Reviews, these will be evaluated by a reviewer and their acceptance or rejection will be communicated via e-mail to the interested party by the Editor.
- Commitment of the Author
Originality requirement: The article must not have been previously published or be currently submitted to another arbitration process in another Magazine, otherwise the article will be rejected
The author agrees to allow this Magazine to publish its selected work under the terms of the Creative Commons license: attribution - share equal international 4.0.
- Ethical Guidelines
For the Journal of Environmental Law, compliance with minimum ethical standards is relevant to safeguarding the quality of the submitted works, as to safeguard the transparency and probity of their work.
For such purposes, it will be considered that there is self plagiarism when the author of a certain work submitted to the Review reuse own material that was already published, without indicating the reference to the previous work. With regard to plagiarism, the use of foreign material, whether published or not, shall be considered as such, without indicating an express and complete reference to its origin and the authorship of said material.
In both cases, if this problem is detected in a paper sent for publication, it will be immediately rejected.
In turn, we will request the correct and complete information about the degrees or academic merits of the authors.