Nietzsche made the following statement: “One thing is necessary: a man needs to achieve self-fulfillment”. In order to do this, it is necessary, also, that another condition be met: “A man needs to have confidence in himself”. Furthermore, the way in which he accomplishes such goal distinguishes two types of men: On one hand, there is the strong type of man, one who instills style to his personality, shaping his natural strengths and weaknesses into an artistic plan. On the other hand, there is the weak type, “a man who hates to shape his style” and would rather live as a free spirit.
Nietzsche, confidence in himself, self-fulfillment, strong and weak men, artistic plan, free spirit
Sologuren L., J. (2017). “One thing is necessary” according to Nietzsche. Revista De Filosofía, 73, pp. 351–354. Retrieved from