The article presents the challenges for the preservation of the cultural and environmental heritage of Grota do Bixiga, in São Paulo, in addition to promoting reflections on alternatives on how to overcome such challenges. Located in the neighborhood of Bixiga, Grota do Bixiga is a region that presents a complex geomorphological conformation, formed by slopes, remaining vegetation and rivers, in addition to popular houses, tenements and small shops and services. The Saracura River is an environmental heritage in this territory. The natural elements have determined the forms of occupation, ways of life and cultural practices, which are under threat with the urban and real estate transformations that the neighborhood has been going through recently. Grota do Bixiga is officially protected by the municipality of São Paulo, but the instrument of preservation is also at risk and is clearly not able to safeguard it. In an attempt to preserve this rich heritage, the Coletivo Salve Saracura was created by residents and sympathizers of the neighborhood. Their actions and concerns are shown in the article.