Household profession: (de)valued, (un)recognized and (in)visible. until when?



The study purposes is: (a) investigate who are the subjects who left paid jobs in the labor market in order to become household professionals, by analyzing the main reasons for such an attitude and its reflections for gender, domestic and family issues, and (b) analyze the (in)visibility of unpaid domestic work, the (self)recognition and social and family (de)valuation of this work as perceived by household professionals. Through interviews, using the thematic oral history, carried out with thirteen household professionals, the results reveal that the interviewees abandoned the labor market for several reasons, related by age, by social and marital situations, by the economic context, by levels of education and by the working relationships. Domestic work is perceived, by the interviewees, as an unpaid, invisible and devalued activity of the private sphere, both by their families and by society. The reasons for this are known. The question that remains is: Until when?


Gender, Household Profession, Reproductive Labor, Household Chores, Care Activities