This beautiful poem is built on the morphological level by the noun “heart” and the verb offer. Both lexemes are the only ones in the text that are not determined by the adjective "maginary" -How they are not, by inference can conclude that they are a "real" reference. Real in the sense that the subject can not eliminate the desire, according to Deleuze, "make the real". In the Freudian way, in the poem might be the ghost of lack, or conversely, antiedipicly, the reality of desire. Finally, an observation by the poet Leonardo Sanhueza directs me to postulate that in the poem there is a encrypted cueca, specifically the "alone cueca".
Rodríguez Fernández, M. (2015). Nicanor Parra: La cueca sola de "El hombre imaginario". Revista Chilena De Literatura, (91). Retrieved from
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