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Dictatorial public space
Robinson Humberto Silva Hidalgo
Universidad Austral de Chile
This article raises reflections about the restrictions that the last military dictatorship imposed on the public space. Through the historical analysis of the transformations in the nomenclature, the geosymbols political, represented in La Moneda, the houses of Allende and Pinochet, and the spaces occupied by the regime, we delve into the characteristics that took over the public space involved.
After the historical review, laying down some conclusions regarding the impact that these changes were in the public space in the framework of a violation of the rule of law and democracy.
Public space, dictadorship, nomenclature, geosymbols, intervention
Author Biography
Robinson Humberto Silva Hidalgo, Universidad Austral de Chile
Profesor de Historia y geografia UdeC, Magister en Historia UdeC, Doctor (c) en Historia, Universidad de Barcelona
Silva Hidalgo, R. H. (2014). Dictatorial public space: buildings and places signified by political power. Revista De Urbanismo, 16(30), Pág. 15–29.