In Chile there's no correlation between the environmental relevance of the fluvial corridors and its many benefic functions for the urban climate and quality of life of his inhabitants with planning instruments. Consequently these fluvial systems aren't the basis of city planning setting aside its environmental services not only for cities, also for regions and more. The lower Río Mapocho corridor is evaluated considering the land use change in its surroundings. A review is presentes of international experiences on this matter, particularly from Spain.
Doctor en Geografía de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Geografo de la Universidad de Chile. Profesor Asociado y docente de la Carrera de Geografía de la Universidad de Chile
Ferrando Acuña, F. (2010). Urban growth, planning instruments and the lower Mapocho River basin. Revista De Urbanismo, (22), Pág. 58–74.